State Duals

State Duals

Delta's Women's Wrestling competed at the State Dual Championships at Fresno City on March 8, 2024. One of the requirements to compete as a team is that you have at least five girls to compete, or you must forfeit the dual meet. Unfortunately, the team fell into that category, as did Lassen Community College, Redwoods College, and Sacramento Community College. All 4 colleges put together a team and competed as Club Northern California. Samira, Valentina, Isebel, and Perla went 1 and 1 on the day. Next week, the State Rankings will be coming out, and the team will have a much-needed two-week rest. The next competition will be an All-Star Dual on Friday, 3/29, and The Sacramento City Invitational on 3/30. Thanks for all your support, and go MUSTANGS!